Assemblage, Ainsley Buklis-Rydall, 2020
Passion and drama drive my creative vision and style. I am inspired by bright colours and subject matter that aspires to evoke positive feelings when viewed. My inspiration for this work was to find plastic objects within my home that represent self-expression along with consumerism. The objective of the items selected was to represent an eclectic range of items to show how extensive plastic’s reach is in society. The process involved trial and error, with many arrangements of the items to create an aesthetically pleasing visual. My goal is to have people connect and relate to an item or items found within the photograph. I was exploring the extent of plastic use beyond what we routinely associate with wasteful consumerism, such as plastic water bottles, take-out containers, etc… While in today’s disposable society, it is easy to default to a choice of plastic products due to their abundance, the impact of this form of expression can have dire consequences upon the environment. I hope that my image increases awareness of its prevalence in everyday life.