Untitled, Arabhi Kulamurugan, 2020
The art that I created is about how plastic can just sit in beside nature and seem harmless, but it’s actions do far worse. I used a Nikon camera, paint and plastic toothpicks. I made this piece because people think littering a small piece of plastic won’t do harm, but they can pile up quickly and add tremendous damage. My art is unique because even though I painted the toothpicks green to blend in with the surrounding, it still pops out, showing its significance to create harm.
Moving forward, the thing that influenced me was the environment because I like going on nature walks and to me, it’s obvious when I see plastic in a tree it ruins the whole scenario. Nature is a beautiful sight and a single piece of trash can ruin the sight for kilometres.
Finally, my message through this photo is that plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, even though it camouflages. It may look the same but its affects on our environment are totally different.