Nature Mixing, Callum Spencer, 2020
I took this photo back on March break when my family went to Mexico. While I was there, I kept an eye out for some wildlife to take pictures of because it interests me, and I could potentially use one for this project. I was walking along the beach and saw a small crab walking through some washed up seaweed. Almost right beside it was what looked like a coffee pod with barnacles stuck to it. Seeing nature and plastic blending together like that instantly made me think of the theme “plastic world” so I took the picture with the only camera I have, my iPhone. Along with the photo I added some waves at the top because the photo was taken on a beach and I used a marker/paint tool to blend it in with the sand and near the bottom. The editing apps I used were explain everything and photoshop fix. I hope the viewer sees how our human influence of plastic in nature is found all around the world.