We are birthed into this plastic world, Saba Blyden-Taylor, 2020
We come out with generations of conditioning passed down by our ancestors, ingrained in us to be something that we are not. Years we fight our oppressors only to be shoved back into this box by what we are told is right. Morphing into a cocoon of European ideals not being able to break the layers that have been built to suppress us. Years we learn from our parents the subtle ways to blend into this idealistic view of the world and self, only to be taught later that different is beautiful, but only if it’s a certain kind of different. Years we sit inside this bubble of what we’ve been taught, only to one day realize that this system was not built for us but for the people that put us here. We learn this, we gain a sense of self only to realise that everything we’ve been conditioned to believe is fake, only to realise that in order to go on we must re-teach ourselves how to live for us.